Calisthenics focuses on bodyweight exercises, emphasizing strength, flexibility, and body control. Think push-ups, pull-ups, and handstands.
- Frequency: 3-5 days per week.
- Exercises: Includes basic moves (e.g., squats, push-ups) and advanced skills (e.g., muscle-ups).
- Progression: Gradual increase in reps or transitioning to more challenging variations.
- Improves functional strength and mobility.
- Requires minimal equipment, making it highly accessible.
- Builds impressive body control and coordination.
Ideal For:
- Individuals looking to train at home or outdoors.
- Those interested in functional fitness and mastering bodyweight skills.
Example Workout:
Push-Pull-Leg Split
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Push Day | Pull Day | Rest | Push Day | Pull Day | Leg Day | Rest |
Full Body Split
Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
Push Pull Core | Push Pull Core | Push Pull Leg |
*Core Training is fit into end of any of the workouts once or twice a week.
*You can choose the best program that suits you
- Wrist stretches: 10-15 reps per position, holding each stretch for 1-2 seconds.
- Shoulder stretches: 5-8 reps per stretch, holding each stretch for 5-8 seconds.
- Hamstring stretches: 10-15 reps, holding the final rep for 15 seconds.
- Warm-up sets: Perform a few reps of easier progressions of the exercises you will be doing that day.
Push Workout
- Pushup
(If you are beginner you can start with knee pushup) - Incline Pushup
- Decline Pushup
- Diamond Pushup
- Pseudo Planche Pushup
- Pushup with slow eccentric
- Explosive Pushup
- Archer Pushup
- Dips
(If you can’t this, you can banded dips ) - Dips Negative
- Pike Pushup
- Decline Pike Pushup
Pull Workout
- Pullups 3 sets of as much as you can
- Neutral Grip Pullups 2 sets of as much as you can
- Chinups 2 sets of as much as you can
- Scapula Shrugs
- Deadhangs
- Pullup Negative
- Pullup Isometric Hold
- Inverted Row
- Inverted Row with Bent Legs
- Iverted Row with Elevated Legs
- Iverted Row on Ring
- Hanging L-sit Hold
- Hanging Knee Raise
- Hanging Knee Raise Hold
- Leg Raise with one Leg (For each leg)
- Leg Raise Hold with one Leg (For each leg)
- Seated Pike Lifts
- Standing Hamstring Strectch
- Hallow Body Hold
Leg Movements
- Pistol Squat (For Each Leg)
- Single Leg Box Step (For Each Leg)
- Elevated Pistol Squat (For Each Leg)
- Nordic Curl Negative
- Sliding Hamstring Curl
- Sliding Hamstring Curl with One Leg (For Each Leg)
- Single Calve Raise (For Each Leg)
- Calve Raise
- Elevated Single Calve Raise(For Each Leg)
Muscle recovery is essential for both quick injury healing and muscle growth after exercise. During intense workouts, small tears occur in muscle fibers, and the body repairs these tears, making the muscles stronger. Neglecting the recovery process can lead to performance loss and an increased risk of injuries. Here are 11 Essential Recovery Tips for Faster Muscle Repair
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